Explainer: Полезные советы для бетононасосов для прицепов

Also known as a static, line or stationary concrete pump, a trailer mounted pump is a kind of pump that is typically connected to a single or multi-axle trailer. This kind of concrete pump is normally then linked to a vehicle that could support the weight of your pump and transferred to the location where there exists a construction project.
How Exactly Does This Kind Of Pump Work?
These types of concrete pumps usually have a concrete pumping capacity that typically ranges between 30 cubic meters to 135 cubic meters each hour. When selecting a trailer mounted pump, you should be guided from the needs at your construction site.
Once moved to a construction site with a vehicle, concrete is generally pumped through flexible pipes under high-pressure and directed to where it can be needed.
Although the concrete pump only has one end, several pip(bombear hormigón) can be attached using the requisite coupling. This essentially means that different areas in the construction site could be served by one pump without the need for moving the ensemble all over the workplace. When several pipes are used, these are usually controlled by construction workers on the output area however the input could be controlled by way of a gate valve so that just the pipes happen to be in use use a discharge.
In the construction site, you should always make certain you place the trailer concrete pump within an readily available area in order that mixers nearby can feed it with ease. If you wish to get yourself a steady and high velocity flow of concrete when using a line pump, you should ensure that the pump always carries a steady feed of concrete.
Benefits Of Using a Trailer Concrete Pump
This particular pump is tremendously flexible in that one could attach any number of pipes and serve any area within your construction. Because of this there is no need to maintain moving the towing vehicle and concrete mixing plants whenever you improve your construction area.
Since this particular concrete pump might have many pipes attached at the same time, this means that you can get work done doubly fast. Having a static pump, you simply will not have downtime along with your workers. Your entire labor force might be at the job at one time.
An additional benefit of those pumps is the velocity of concrete flowing from the pipes can be adjusted as needed. Additionally, you can even shut or start up flow to pipes based on your needs. If you use this particular pump, you can even lengthen or shorten the attached lines dependant upon the area you where construction will be carried out. Simply put, it provides contractors more convenience.
Having a static pump, it is possible to pump concrete vertically up to 400 meters and concurrently, it is possible to pump horizontally for about 2,000 meters without hassle. This is unlike other pumps where you need to use pulleys or other conveyer belts to get concrete where it is needed.
Besides the reality that concrete can be taken where it really is required in a jiffy, this sort of pump could also be used in construction projects where conventional concrete mixing plants should not be used including during the construction of tunnels or another underground spaces.

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